The Log House Thrift Store
Supporting Community, National & Global Projects
What is The Log House Thrift Store?
- A registered Saskatchewan non-profit charitable organization
- Has a working volunteer Board of Directors
- Has a small staff & dedicated team of volunteers.
- Has a Community Advisory Committee that consists of local business people who help support the store.
- Partners with community agencies.
- Provides work experience training for men and women newcomers to Saskatchewan through the Open Door Society.
- Provides students a place to do community volunteer hours and work experience.
- Provides a Fine Option placement.
How can you help?
There are many opportunities for you to provide a helping hand to The Log House Thrift Store.
- Volunteer your time to work in the store.
- Volunteer for week days, Saturdays or our Monday evening group.
- Volunteer for our Community Outreach Program.
- Donate clean and gently used or new items.
- Advertise by word of mouth or social media.
- Purchasing a membership in our non-profit corporation.
- Consider applying to be a part of the working Board of Directors.
- SHOP at our store!
The Log House carries many different items from clothing to household goods.
- Infant: Sizes 0-6
- Children: Sizes 7-14
- Youth and Adult
- Suits and Coats
- Shoes and Boots
- Designer Items
- Caps, Belts and Ties
- Children: Sizes 7-14
- Gloves, Socks
- Purses, Scarves, Jewellery/li>
- Dish-ware, Cookware
- Small Appliances
- Bedding, Towels
- Pictures, Frames, Artwork
- Collectibles, Ornaments
- Decorations
- Crafts and Notions
- Fabric & Patterns
- Crotchet Cotton and Yarn
- Books and Magazines
- Toys, Games and Puzzles
- CD'd, DVD's, Records, Video Games
... and many other unique items!
Store Re-donate Projects
- Bread and Baking
Bread and Baking items are picked up 7 times a week from Cobs Bakery are donated to programs or projects that are involved in feeding people. The items are collected and brought to the store where they are bagged and boxed and made ready to hand out. (Indigenous Christian Fellowship Centre, North Central Family Centre, Lakeview United & Discovery Baptist churches). Twice a week the bread stays in the store and our local folks are able to receive it.
- Community Living Donations
Community Living Donations: Items that we are not able to sell or are not selling are culled from the store after several weeks and are re-donated to Community Living for their programs fund raising.
- Correctional Institution Book Donations
Correctional Institution Book Donations: From our library and magazine corner, books are re-donated to the Men’s Correctional Centre. Books and magazines are donated to the White Birch Women’s Centre.
- Humane Society
Humane Society: We re-donate blankets and towels that are unable to be sold. A volunteer takes these items out to the society.
- Personal Care Products
Personal Care products: These items are provided from our donations and are distributed to Anything Goes ( YWCA Women’s shelter),North Central Family Centre, Indian and Meti Christian Fellowship Centre. These items are distributed to various agencies & groups.
- In Store Donations
In Store Donations: Folks that come into the store and need a hand with clothing, dishes, bedding.
- Pass the Word Books
Pass the Word Books: Christian books, videos, and other materials are taken to this book store for churches and Sunday School/youth groups etc. One of our volunteers takes these items to them.